Les trois eurodéputés français EELV Catherine Grèze, Sandrine Bélier et José Bové ont cosigné une lettre adressée au commissaire en charge de l’agriculture, Dacian Ciolos, demandant à ce que la future Politique agricole commune ne finance pas la pratique de la corrida.
Un rapport récent a démontré que chaque année, l’Union européenne dédie environ 130 millions d’euros à l’élevage de taureau destiné à la tauromachie.
La lettre demande aussi des sanctions aux Etats membres qui subventionnent la tauromachie
La lettre en anglais ci-dessous :
Most Distinguished Mr. Ciolos,
The signatories of this letter would like to request your attention regarding what we believe an inappropriate use of European Funds, concerning the CAP subsidies which are used for pastures which have the sole purpose of rearing fighting bulls in Spain.
We attach the Alfred Bosch report which deals with the issue and quantifies the amount of the above mentioned assistance. We would kindly urge you to:
1. Assess the figures contained in the report.
2. If the quantities handled by your office differ, we request such figures.
3. Accept and give course to our petition for the immediate disqualification of any subsidies to the bullfighting sector and to the rearing of fighting bulls in Spain and elsewhere in the EU.
4. Establish fines for member countries which direct CAP assistance to inefficient ends, such as subsidising bull rearing for questionable entertainment.
We deeply appreciate your attention.
Most truly yours,
Alfred Bosch, Member of Spanish Parliament
Ana Miranda (Greens/EFA, Galicia)
Raül Romeva (Greens/EFA, Catalonia)
Ramon Tremosa (ALDE, Catalonia)
Catherine Grèze (Greens/EFA, France)
Bart Staes (Greens/EFA, Belgium)
Jill Evans (Greens/EFA, Wales)
Keith Taylor (Greens/EFA, England)
Alyn Smith (Greens/EFA, Scotland)
Carl Schlyter (Greens/EFA, Sweden)
Elisabeth Schroedter (Greens/EFA, Germany)
Jean Lambert (Greens/EFA, England)
Sandrinne Bélier (Greens/EFA, France)
Bas Eickout (Greens/EFA, Nederlands)
José Bové (Greens/EFA, France)
Ulrike Lunacek (Greens/EFA, Austria)
Martin Häusling (Greens/EFA, Germany)
Dan Jorgensen (Socialists & Democrats, Denmark)
Mark Demesmaeker (Greens/EFA, Flanders)